
Anime Girl Blonde Hair Green Eyes Hart Cute Outfit

Anime Girl Blonde Hair Green Eyes Hart Cute Outfit

Expect, I'k non Vince McMahon. Which means I don't have an unreasonable preference for blondes.

Yet that doesn't hateful anime is lacking in memorable and downright crawly blonde girls. And I can certainly appreciate a few of them from time to time.

Yes, some may fit the "helplessly dumb blonde" stereotype.

Merely the best ones often break from it with some very unique personalities. And I've listed some of the blonde girlies you can find in anime, so check out our ranking below.

30. Chii

Chii in Chobits anime

Anime: Chobits

I'm starting the list with one of the offset prominent blonde girls I saw in anime.

Yes, Chii barely did any talking because she was this "lacking" humanoid.

Just her grapheme blueprint was exemplary. She was a total beauty.

Back in my mean solar day, my female friend would put up Chii as their avatar on social networking sites like Friendster and MySpace — she was that kawaii.

Likewise, a private server of the MMORPG Ragnarok Online had a custom slice of headgear called Chii ears.

It was an exact re-create of the Chobits daughter'due south ears design. And who could forget her dazzling animation for the infectious OP?

29. Sena Kashiwazaki

Sena Kashiwazaki in Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friend anime

Anime: Haganai: I Don't Take Many Friends

I don't recall much well-nigh Haganai. But that's to be expected from a typical ecchi and harem series.

But what I practice distinctly recall is Sena, complete with her bluish butterfly hairpin and petite appearance.

Of course, viewers of Haganai may too think something else well-nigh Sena, given its ecchi elements.

And fifty-fifty without that, Sena is appealing.

I'd even contend that the series wouldn't be the same without her and her highly driven (and possibly perfectionist) nature.

28. Urara Shiraishi

Urara Shiraishi in Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches anime

Anime: Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches

I dearest how Urara looks — at that place's an instant appeal to her.

It could be her pinkish, red-ish eyes and her timid expressions. Or her heartwarming smile.

She's the type of classmate you'd easily have a crush on.

Beyond her looks, Urara offers a solid show of graphic symbol evolution.

Granted this is due to the kiss between her and Ryuu, which is also the basic premise of the show.

But it's wonderful seeing her open up a petty more to others, slowly only surely recovering from painful past experiences. And Urara is just so beautiful, okay?

27. Chiaya Misono

Chiaya Misono in The Rolling Girls anime

Anime: The Rolling Girls

Chiaya was my all-time daughter in 2015. There, I said it — and why should I be ashamed?

Here was an adorable little girl with a character pattern that just screams uber cuteness.

And how could I forget her introduction?

She was this mask-wearing, motorcycle-riding, photo-taking stranger.

And so she took off her mask, and viewers saw the face of a blonde daughter worth protecting with all their might.

If I was an anime dad, I would desire my daughter to look like Chiaya.

And look, I don't want to spoil anything significant almost The Rolling Girls. But allow me just say that I love her role in it.

26. Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy Heartfilia in Fairy Tail anime

Anime: Fairy Tail

I'thou not a huge fan of Fairy Tail. But I must admit that Lucy has been influential equally 1 of the chief girls of the 175-episode shounen series.

She'southward honestly nothing spectacular in terms of grapheme pattern.

Simply it'due south not that difficult to become attached to her every bit her gang journeys on.

Lucy is fully aware of her feminine appeal and has a genuine passion for writing and telling stories.

Too it's a delight to see Lucy Hearfilia in her gorgeous frilled black gown whenever she uses her Star Dress spell (specially the Leo Class).

25. Claudine Saijou

Claudine Saijou in Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight anime

Anime: Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight

If you've seen Starlight Revue, you'll know what makes Claudine Saijou a compelling grapheme.

Yes, she'south a perfectionist. Only this comes from an earnest motivation: Claudine truly wants to exist the elevation Stage Daughter.

Her competitive nature isn't abrasive by whatsoever ways.

In contrast, Claudine is inspiring.

She's proof that you lot can never (and should never) exist complacent.

To attain and stay at the height of your game, you have to go on pushing yourself. Even if other people don't have to exert as much effort to get in the same lane. A life lesson for us all, I suppose.

Her fighting spirit is certainly commendable.

24. Asuna Yuuki

Asuna Yuuki in Sword Art Online anime

Anime: Sword Art Online

I sympathize if you lot're tired of the SAO franchise (or even the entire isekai genre).

But allow's not forget the waifu-esque personality of Yuuki Asuna.

I'g no longer on top of the franchise, only I distinctly recollect that fourth dimension when Asuna was focused on condign a full-on housewife to harem master Kirito.

Fans love the Mother'southward Rosario arc, and who was the protagonist there?

Not Kirito.

Not Sinon.

Non Klein. Nope — it was Asuna.

Also, permit's non forget how fierce Asuna looks in the teasers for the final flavor of SAO: Alicization.

23. Mary Saotome

Mary Saotome in Kakegurui: Compulsive Gambler anime

Anime: Kakegurui: Compulsive Gambler

Kakegurui is one of the all-time adaptations MAPPA has ever done — and I wish it would become on forever.

Fifty-fifty if I don't mention the seductive (and downright crazy) Yumeko Jabami, I tin can nonetheless indicate to the other weird women of Kakegurui.

I didn't expect Mary to be the show'due south tsundere but I am so glad she became ane of the principal characters.

Itsuki Sumeragi is also worth noting for her gambling tricks and cheats. But Mary can vanquish her when information technology comes to disturbing facial expressions.

22. Tsumugi Kotobuki

Tsumugi Kotobuki in K-ON! anime

Anime: K-ON!

Mugi has ane of the most memorable eyebrows in all of anime — I'd retrieve her first before Naruto's Rock Lee.

But she's more than than her rich background and comfy grapheme design.

I'd argue that Mugi is the catalyst to many iconic parts in the archetype slice of life serial.

For one, it's in the villa during the training episode where viewers saw the girls have fun in a totally different location.

Her cheerful attitude and her willingness to always provide tea and sweets to her young man social club members allow them to share precious withal ordinary moments. She'south a treasure.

21. Eugenie Danglars

Eugenie Danglars in Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo anime

Anime: Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo

If this list were all almost character design, Eugenie would hands exist in my top 10.

It'south hard not to distinguish the characters of Gankutsuou considering of Gonzo'southward ingenious animation mode — the entire show is artful heart processed.

But getting back to Eugenie, she is pure beauty only is also full of heart.

She could've spent her life in Paris ignoring the world.

Notwithstanding Eugenie refuses to blindly comply with what the powerful accept to say, even if information technology's from her ain family.

The world could employ more of her, of privileged people who wouldn't plough a blind eye to injustice.

20. Tsunade

Tsunade in Naruto anime

Anime: Naruto

Naruto has no scarcity of beautiful blonde girls. And that'southward saying something.

But my summit pick from this series has to be the booze-loving Tsunade, who was besides once Konohas' hokage.

I know many of you remember her for her impressive physique.

But she also brings a lot of fun even when she's non drowning in liquor.

Tsunade is what a leader should be — approachable, patient, but also ready and capable of beating down enemies with her own fists.

xix. Kaede

Kaede in Non Non Biyori anime

Anime: Not Not Biyori

Non Non Biyori is one of my all-fourth dimension favorite piece-of-life shows, and it's partly because of its goofy and extremely likable cast.

Kaede Nagayama is ane of the older characters.

But her chill attitude and her beloved for Renge keeps her abroad from the cynical, downtrodden section of adulthood.

I beloved how she's willing to exert more effort than usual to make Renge smile.

Plus how could I not like someone who manages a candy store?

xviii. Mari Ohara

Mari Ohara in Love Live! Sunshine!! anime

Anime: Love Live! Sunshine!!

Similar to long-running shounen anime, idol shows are difficult to get into for me.

Still, I tin't discount or totally ignore the popularity of Dear Live — my Facebook is flooded regularly with LL memes and fan art.

And speaking of memes, I have to mention Ohara.

Granted, Nico Yazawa takes over everyone with her Nico Nico Nii memes.

But it's Ohara who has the blonde hair and first-class reaction faces: Mari Ohara can look sleazy, hyped, unamused, sad, or confident with ease.

17. Android xviii

Android 18 in Dragon Ball Z anime

Anime: Dragon Ball Z

I know I just mentioned my difficulties with shounen shows having hundreds of episodes.

Merely I grew up watching Dragon Ball Z. Information technology was quite literally a primetime show in my country, shown on national TV. And you tin can tell this is the case for dozens of countries around the globe.

So I remember the serious demeanor of Android eighteen. Who couldn't?

She always looks so pissed — and I wouldn't want to exist the 1 catching her punches.

Thankfully Android 18 met Krillin and they got married.

She tin still become angry, but their human relationship allows us to see a sweeter side of the otherwise humanoid killing machine.

16. Krista Lenz

Krista Lenz in Attack on Titan anime

Anime: Assault on Titan

Krista Lenz took the anime community by surprise with her adorable moments during season 1.

Reiner'southward crush for her is hilarious only besides understandable.

After all, he'due south not the only one who thinks she's cute.

Merely for anyone who's watched more than the kickoff season or who's read the manga, Krista is way more being another blonde loli.

And I'yard not going to spoil anyone, which is why I call her Krista here.

Season 2 and across gave her significant character development, and I simply promise that the stories about Wit Studio discontinuing the SnK adaptation isn't real.

15. Tohru

Tohru in Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid anime

Anime: Miss Kobayashi'south Dragon Maid

Kanna Kamui is my favorite character in Miss Kobayashi'due south Dragon Maid for obvious kawaii reasons.

But the dragon maid herself is also solid.

When she's non a titanic fire-animate dragon, Tohru is a proficient-intentioned maid. And she just wants all the best for her dear homo Kobayashi.

Even now, I still call back her cut and cooking her own tail for Kobayashi (thank goodness she can grow it back).

However the moment I remember the nigh, and why she'south ranked mid-manner hither, is when she and Kobayashi went to the market.

Tohru stopped a thief, merely she caused a scene.

That prompted Kobayashi to hold her hand and pb her away. Kobayashi didn't let go as they walked domicile, and Tohru felt loved.

14. Karen Kujou

Karen Kujou in KINMOZA! anime


How could I forget the small, half-British blonde of Kiniro Mosaic?

Without her, anime communities wouldn't have the "ayaya" and "desu! desu!" videos.

She's a meme legend.

Not to mention Karen is a lovely little kid.

Along with her friends, Karen never fails to put a smile on my face.

And who doesn't dear her look?

She has a very British-looking top, and the colors of her socks and shoes also resemble the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland flag.

13. Darkness

Darkness in KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! anime

Anime: KonoSuba: God's Approving on This Wonderful World!

Aye, I know she has another proper noun — that she isn't only Darkness.

But similar with Krista Lenz, I don't want to ruin the moment for readers who haven't seen enough episodes of Konosuba.

With that out of the way, I dearest Darkness and the idea behind her.

She'south a crusader. Someone meant to be the main defender.

But she'due south also masochistic.

Thus her inspiring, seemingly noble sacrifices are things she can expect forward to each time for entirely different reasons.

Just seeing her name reminds me of that episode with the flying cabbages. Information technology's glorious.

12. Olivia

Olivia< in Asobi Asobase: Workshop Of Fun anime

Anime: Asobi Asobase: Workshop Of Fun

The existence of Asobi Asobase is a miracle, and the same goes for its characters.

This 2018 title feels like a successor to Daily Lives of Loftier School Boys (otherwise known equally Nichibros for being somewhat similar to Nichijou).

Asobi Asobase is crazy — actually crazy.

1 of my favorite parts is when Olivia wanted to cut her hair, and how the baby reacted to the smell of her armpits.

Yep, it'due south that kind of sense of humor. And I love it.

Only fifty-fifty from a design standpoint, Olivia is above the typical blonde girls.

And I don't want to audio as well biased toward bluish (because I totally volition correct now), only her blueish eyes brand her all the more interesting.

11. Shinobu

Shinobu in Bakemonogatari anime

Anime: Bakemonogatari

I can't complete the listing without having i of the Monogatari girls.

Luckily Shinobi is a blonde vampire — and it's a huge bonus that she'due south sometimes a loli as well.

Given that she can literally turn from a child to a full-fledged woman, Shinobu presents a weird case of the blonde anime daughter.

Information technology's almost similar she's four blondes in ane.

But as much every bit I honey the loli version, I recommend seeing her as Kiss-Shot in the critically acclaimed Kizumonogatari trilogy.

x. Misa Amane

Misa Amane in Death Note anime

Anime: Expiry Note

I can't even tell you how much Misa Amane became the definitive anime daughter at the summit of the Decease Note anime adaptation.

My male person friends were head over heels for her while my lady friends uploaded Misa pics as their avatar.

And who could honestly arraign them?

Her character design is god-tier right from her hairstyle to her iconic stockings — information technology's a cosplayer's dream.

Death Note has lost its spark for many fans (particularly with the final episodes) but Misa volition forever be a godsend. Or should I say Shinigami-send?

nine. Usagi Tsukino

Usagi Tsukino in Sailor Moon anime

Anime: Sailor Moon

Along with Android 18, Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon was a abiding confront on national tv set.

All the kids (and their parents) knew about Usagi Tsukino and the residual of the Crewman Guardians.

She was a hero to many kids.

In my land, it wasn't ridiculous to ship Usagi and Goku. Aye, Usagi and the Super Saiyan that is Goku.

But she didn't need him to exist iconic.

Girls and guys alike knew how to do the magical girl transformation sequence — that's how influential she and Sailor Moon are.

eight. Clare

Clare in Claymore anime

Anime: Claymore

Claymore was a testify I had no idea almost and just kinda stumbled into it.

I just bought a re-create because I liked the name — a claymore was a sword that I frequently saw in 1 of my online games.

So you lot tin can expect my surprise checking out this anime. It was a petty more cruel and serious than the usual shounen I consumed every bit a teenager.

I just honey how the unique, dark world is pretty much dominated by women.

It'due south refreshing — and at the center of it all is the defiant, awe-inspiring Clare.

7. Riza Hawkeye

Riza Hawkeye in Fullmetal Alchemist anime

Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist

Riza is another blonde anime girl who doesn't need any lengthy introductions.

She's function of the honey Fullmetal Alchemist series which I promise everyone knows about.

Yes I'd think it's safe to say millions of people know why she belongs on the listing.

Aside from her well-established badassery, Riza is a cool-headed woman who also happens to have a thing for dry out humor. But y'all don't witness this as much.

She'southward one of the coolest women in fiction e'er, animated or not.

And she doesn't need to carry a weapon to be an awesome blonde chick (although she looks admittedly trigger-happy with a sniper burglarize or two handguns).

half dozen. Saber

Saber in Fate/stay night anime

Anime: Fate/stay night

Saber is similar Shinobu because she can take many forms.

The anime only shows the archetype Saber, simply the humongous FSN franchise has the typical Saber along with Saber Alter and Saber Lily.

In a manner, she feels like the stronger version of SAO's Asuna.

She becomes less similar the heroic warrior she is (again, no spoiler) and more of an adorable girlfriend when she's resting with Shirou Emiya.

And thanks to Ufotable'due south well-known animation skills, I've witnessed so many sakuga moments of Saber.

Particularly during Unlimited Blade Works.

v. Eriri Spencer Sawamura

Eriri Spencer Sawamura in Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend anime

Anime: Saekano: How to Heighten a Ho-hum Girlfriend

I know, y'all're asking why I'm putting someone like Eriri in a higher place the likes of Saber, Riza, and Shinobu.

But remember this is my ranking, and Eriri was a long-fourth dimension best daughter contender for me.

Although admittedly I wasn't impressed with her at first.

She seemed like just some other babyhood friend who'll never go up the harem rankings.

And so I got to know her more. She illustrates doujinshi.

Her long blonde pilus paired with ribbons, forth with her low-cal blue eyes and small fangs capture my attention with ease.

But hear me out: Eriri Spencer's all-time look is when she's wearing her glasses and greenish tracksuit at home.

I love that look and I wish someone would give me the figurine (since overseas aircraft is expensive).

four. Anzu

Anzu in Hinamatsuri anime

Anime: Hinamatsuri

Hinamatsuri was a surprise favorite of mine in 2018.

Yeah, Hina and Hitomi's dynamics are hilarious and worth the watch. But it'due south Anzu that ensured I'd remember this serial for a long time.

Anzu was this bratty superhuman kid like Hina, simply her character development was perfect.

Forced to search trash bins to sell cans and survive, she became an example of the hardships of many Japanese people who have no homes and can only rely on each other.

It'southward why I got irked with Hina's laziness — Anzu knew what it was like to be poor and alone.

And that wasn't her only shining moment.

She helped viewers sympathize that not everyone has a loving family unit, and that yous tin be role of one even if you lot're unrelated by claret.

three. Kaori Miyazano

Kaori Miyazano in Your Lie in April anime

Anime: Your Lie in April

Kaori is a certified meme present. Only it was a far dissimilar time when Your Life in April was even so ambulation.

People didn't wait A-1 Pictures to evangelize a well-animated drama featuring musical prodigies.

The final moments of the serial weren't that affecting. Merely I appreciate the journeying of Kaori, Kousei, Tsubaki, and Ryouta.

Kaori's perseverance and excitement were infectious, and it's something you and I can all learn from.

To say that Kaori is full of heart and love for life is an understatement.

two. Tanya von Degurechaff

Tanya von Degurechaff in The Saga of Tanya the Evil anime

Anime: The Saga of Tanya the Evil

The adaptation of The Saga of Tanya the Evil didn't take to be this good. It was the first-e'er project of NUT — and the studio delivered large fourth dimension.

Should Tanya count equally a blonde girl even if she was actually a salaryman earlier getting isekai-d?


I didn't even know the anime world needed a sadistic piffling girl who could wreak havoc in a time of state of war.

And despite her sociopathic nature, she'south appealing at times.

You can't notice anyone like Tanya — a truly distinct blond anime girl.

1. Violet Evergarden

Violet Evergarden anime

Anime: Violet Evergarden

Is this a case of recency bias? I tin can confidently say, no!

I've seen Violet Evergarden a couple of times already and I cannot wait for the movie whenever information technology'southward out.

With each viewing I'k more confident in my pick that she's the all-time blonde girl in all of anime.

Even when Kyoto Blitheness released the teaser trailer, I knew I was in for a ride.

The character blueprint of Violet is perfect — and KyoAni's jaw-dropping blitheness for this show is the cherry on top.

She has the characteristics that I dearest from my other picks. Violet has nice hair, lovely blue eyes, and her facial expressions are worth a thousand words each.

Her story'due south made me feel sorrow, elation, acrimony, and all sorts of emotions that make u.s. human.

Violet Evergarden is a rare gem in anime — and same goes for its titular heroine.


Anime Girl Blonde Hair Green Eyes Hart Cute Outfit

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