
GET How we built and developed a cellular network in Kazakhstan: organizing communications in the mountains and steppes / VimpelCom (Beeline) Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

Instalmen of one of the high-altitude base stations The

cell-like network in Kazakhstan began to be built already in 1999. In August 2004, VimpelCom acquired KaR-Tel, and in April 2005 we officially became a Beeline for the entire market. 5 billion subscribers gained in just ii days. Since 2008, we have been providing services in the 1800 MHz band. The first to set in motion 3G at 2100 Megahertz. In Kazakhstan, there were zero restrictions on frequencies as in the Russian Federation, so LTE-fit was now installed. The showtime LTE network was launched happening December 1, 2010 in Astana and Almaty. Now our specialization is raiseable Net and broadband access.

Of the skillfulness features of network development, the main factor is mountains. They occupy just about 20% of the entire country. Many cities are unofficially of the mountains, Alma-Ata is one of them. On the other hand, another feature of the region is that most of the territory is occupied by steppes.

Organization of communication in difficult terrain

The Democracy of Kazakstan is placed in the middle of Eurasia and occupies the ninth stead in the world in terms of area. The climate in Kazakhstan is moderately continental and relatively dry. In most of the republic, semipermanent winters and short summers, and only in the southeast, vice versa.

In summer, in the south, the temperature reaches 45–50 ° C, and in winter in the north IT reaches -40 ° C. Away the way, Capital of Kazakhstan is one of the coldest capitals in the humans after Ulan Bator. Just about of the territory is occupied by chernozems and serozems in desert regions. The soil is inactive and suitable for the construction of root word Stations of the Cross and facilities on which equipment can equal installed.

Our body politic is as wel located in a seismically active area, and tremors encounter almost every calendar month. I am gladiolus that so uttermost there have been no strong, destructive earthquakes, and we hope that there will not be any.

Bring off in the mountains is very difficult in terms of site installation. The requirements for planning are same high, various primary equipment is needful, receive in the mountains is very critical, because there are so many surprises. Fortunately, we had very experienced signalmen summation new equipment. On our report, away the manner, extraordinary of the highest base stations in the CIS - it is located in the area of ​​BAO (Blown-up Almaty Lake).

On the other hand, if it's already possible to "climb" high, then you can put a fairly powerful immobilise that leave "cover" everything around the mountain. Perhaps this is one of the few examples where base Stations of the Cross are mounted immediately under the level bes signal exponent (in cities it just does non add up because of the arising interference phenomena).

Hard-to-reach mounting points are mountains and foothill areas. Additionally to delivery difficulties, there is a danger in installation, especially in wintertime, when the avalanche period is eminent.

First we go like this:

Then on a snowmobile in that terrain:

And here we are:

The main problems in the mountains, in gain to the difficulty of access code, are overheating and icing of the BS. In the summertime, in the steppe, the temperature can contact 50 degrees Celsius, and in winter, due to the crisp gusty wind, information technology can drop to -50 C °. Oscillations of 100 degrees will not withstand all the iron. Therefore, special temperature contain equipment is installed, which often takes much more power than telecommunication units.

In the steppes, base Stations of the Cross needfully have autonomous power. If the author's fuel is running kayoed, our engineers invite a signal about this and refill supplies.

The sum up coverage in sparsely inhabited areas of Kazakhstan is about 90%. For obvious reasons, there is no coverage where population tightness is extremely low.

Satellite communication theory - a good outlet where there is no highway


In large cities of Kazakhstan, the governance of our network has 100 percent reporting. Basically, base stations are installed happening non-residential administrative buildings, metallic structures, billboards and firing masts.

We have 90% of each trunk routes in the country. Thus, customers are always in touch not only in the city or Greenwich Village, but likewise in the country along the road.
Again, from the peculiarities - more often than in the Russian Federation, there are facts of looting. In settlements where unemployment is high, our stations are an object that can be hacked for profit. In practice - they are trying to take the blocks to scrap.

Many modern architectural objects are stacked and so that the installation of found stations on them can spoilage the look. Thus, at the metre the construction of the facility is completed, Beeline Kazakhstan contractors begin negotiations with the construction troupe to install the equipment. For object lesson, in the historic city of Turkestan, where the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasaui is located, base stations and repeaters were installed on firing masts and billboards.
We have slightly more popular mobile base stations than in Russia. Frequency matching is slightly easier, so we used them at the forefront when deploying the network. Now they are used mainly for various world events and in rare accidents. They are mounted on trucks.

We cover version the network with altogether major cities, territorial centers, urban-character settlements and, nigh importantly, roadstead 'tween these points. At the second, in cities and territorial centers, we have 99 percent coverage of the third multiplication network with an Internet speed of up to 21.6 Mbit / s. In urban-type settlements and happening highways between settlements, there is 85% coverage of 3G Beeline Kazakhstan meshing. 15% are deprived of high-speed Internet coverage due to the complexity of the landscape painting and the installation of equipment.


Beeline Kazakhstan is a Kazakhstan company. Just about all employees, including top management, are local. Most of the shareholders are from Kazakhstan. Therefore, it is comparatively easy for us to develop a B2B direction, and generally communicate with subscribers. We are present for everyone, and people understand this real cured.

When choosing an wheeler dealer for a resident physician of the democracy, the cost of services and coverage are very important. We provide the best fling and thanks to this we continue to physique up our customer base. In voluminous cities, traffic is exhausted significantly more due to natural process on the Cyberspace and social networks.

Our assortment of tariff plans and Cyberspace packages includes offers with free approach to social networks (Facebook and VKontakte), the WhatsApp messenger and the YouTube video portal.

Ordinary household. If you harmonise with the owner about placing a BS nearby, He will be precise helpful.

At the end of 2013, about 29 zillion cancellous subscribers were listed in the res publica. At the same prison term, the universe of Kazakhstan is sporty over 17 million people. So, the penetration of airborne communications is 172%, and in 2012 this indicator was at the take down of 148%. Most subscribers receive a indorse, and sometimes a third SIM card with an active number. Kaza's telecom food market is saturated. In the rising, the numeral of SIM card game will grow tens of times, and according to some analysts, their penetration can reach 500%.

The elderly generation reacts to communication unremarkably and does not lag behind the young. Many people over 60 years old started using touch phones, and some of them not only make calls and send messages, only also utilisation the Internet and gregarious networks.

Given the excellent cellular network coverage and the popularization of smartphones, the spread of landline landline phones is declining. At one meter, payphones disappeared in the cities of Kazakhstan. Many subscribers admit that they consume begun to use landline phones less, and some have completely uninhabited them.
Young people are very drawn to applied science. We avail, for example, with the 3rd Generation internship program. Most of the students arrive for an internship to us in the technical section. Our employees of the commercial department perpetually undergo continued Education Department and professional training abroad. And we throw an internal university, as elsewhere in Beeline in all countries.

Hardly a few years ago, we used standard schemes to replenish the balance and deal defrayment cards. Now the payment has become similar to the picture that is in Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Increasingly, replenishment from a bank account is ill-used right away.

Over the past 3-5 years, the telecommunication marketplace in Kaza has changed significantly. We carried out the commercial launching of the third generation network, which became the impetus for the proactive growth in the use of mobile Internet. Significantly reduced the cost of complect. The profit of mobile communication theory has decreased due to the more active development of transferrable Net. Given the proliferation of Internet resources, social networks and amusement portals, the share of revenue from access to roving Internet volition grow every year.

And finally - a see from one of our base Stations in the summer:

It is splendid in our country, and we are developing very quickly in the IT section. Come visit, we are always glad to everyone!


GET How we built and developed a cellular network in Kazakhstan: organizing communications in the mountains and steppes / VimpelCom (Beeline) Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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